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Simple A* implementation in C#

Oct 26, 2016
3 minute read
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Simple A* implementation in C#

Here’s a quick and simple C# implementation of A* based on the wikipedia spec. It doesn’t do anything fancy like smoothing. but it’s fast and can be run many times per frame. I’ve found that with some basic wall avoidance built on top of this, the pathing looks smooth enough. Hopefully this can save someone else the pain of debugging an almost-working A* implementation.

The graph that gets passed in is just a 2 dimensional array of navigable spaces. true is navigable, while false is blocked.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Client.Game.Map.TMX;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Client.Game.Map {
    public class RoomPathFinder {

        Dictionary<GridPoint, bool> closedSet = new Dictionary<GridPoint, bool>();
        Dictionary<GridPoint, bool> openSet = new Dictionary<GridPoint, bool>();

        //cost of start to this key node
        Dictionary<GridPoint, int> gScore = new Dictionary<GridPoint, int>();
        //cost of start to goal, passing through key node
        Dictionary<GridPoint, int> fScore = new Dictionary<GridPoint, int>();

        Dictionary<GridPoint, GridPoint> nodeLinks = new Dictionary<GridPoint, GridPoint>();
        public List<GridPoint> FindPath(bool[][] graph, GridPoint start, GridPoint goal) {

            openSet[start] = true;
            gScore[start] = 0;
            fScore[start] = Heuristic(start, goal);
            while(openSet.Count > 0) {
                var current = nextBest();
                if (current.Equals(goal)) {
                    return Reconstruct(current);

                closedSet[current] = true;

                foreach(var neighbor in Neighbors(graph, current)) {
                    if (closedSet.ContainsKey(neighbor))

                    var projectedG = getGScore(current) + 1;

                    if (!openSet.ContainsKey(neighbor))
                        openSet[neighbor] = true;
                    else if (projectedG >= getGScore(neighbor))

                    //record it
                    nodeLinks[neighbor] = current;
                    gScore[neighbor] = projectedG;
                    fScore[neighbor] = projectedG + Heuristic(neighbor, goal);

            return new List<GridPoint>();

        private int Heuristic(GridPoint start, GridPoint goal) {
            var dx = goal.X - start.X;
            var dy = goal.Y - start.Y;
            return Math.Abs(dx) + Math.Abs(dy);

        private int getGScore(GridPoint pt) {
            int score = int.MaxValue;
            gScore.TryGetValue(pt, out score);
            return score;    

        private int getFScore(GridPoint pt) {
            int score = int.MaxValue;
            fScore.TryGetValue(pt, out score);
            return score;

        public static IEnumerable<GridPoint> Neighbors(bool[][] graph, GridPoint center) {

            GridPoint pt = new GridPoint(center.X - 1, center.Y - 1);
            if (IsValidNeighbor(graph, pt))
                yield return pt;

            pt = new GridPoint(center.X, center.Y - 1);
            if (IsValidNeighbor(graph, pt))
                yield return pt;

            pt = new GridPoint(center.X + 1, center.Y - 1);
            if (IsValidNeighbor(graph, pt))
                yield return pt;

            //middle row
            pt = new GridPoint(center.X - 1, center.Y);
            if (IsValidNeighbor(graph, pt))
                yield return pt;
            pt = new GridPoint(center.X + 1, center.Y);
            if (IsValidNeighbor(graph, pt))
                yield return pt;

            //bottom row
            pt = new GridPoint(center.X - 1, center.Y+1);
            if (IsValidNeighbor(graph, pt))
                yield return pt;

            pt = new GridPoint(center.X, center.Y + 1);
            if (IsValidNeighbor(graph, pt))
                yield return pt;

            pt = new GridPoint(center.X+1, center.Y + 1);
            if (IsValidNeighbor(graph, pt))
                yield return pt;

        public static bool IsValidNeighbor(bool[][] matrix, GridPoint pt) {
            int x = pt.X;
            int y = pt.Y;
            if (x < 0 || x >= matrix.Length)
                return false;

            if (y < 0 || y >= matrix[x].Length)
                return false;

            return matrix[x][y];


        private List<GridPoint> Reconstruct(GridPoint current) {
            List<GridPoint> path = new List<GridPoint>();
            while (nodeLinks.ContainsKey(current)) {
                current = nodeLinks[current];

            return path;

        private GridPoint nextBest() {
            int best = int.MaxValue;
            GridPoint bestPt = null;
            foreach( var node in openSet.Keys) {
                var score = getFScore(node);
                if(score < best) {
                    bestPt = node;
                    best = score;

            return bestPt;

Grid Point is a really basic integer Vector2, my actual version has some extra sugar for coordinate space conversion, but here’s a basic rendition.

using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Client.Game.Map.TMX {
    public class GridPoint {
        public int X, Y;
		public GridPoint(int x, int y) { X = x; Y = y; }
		public GridPoint(float x, float y) { X = (int)x; Y = (int)y; }
		public GridPoint(Vector3 v3) { X = (int)v3.x; Y = (int)v3.y; }

And that’s it!